გურამ გეგეშიძის რომანი „სტუმარი“: მხატვრული თავისებურებანი და არასიუჟეტური ელემენტების კონცეპტი


  • ანა გოგილაშვილი სულხან-საბა ორბელიანის უნივერსიტეტი




The novel “Guest” is important because of the signs of magical realism, as the boundary between real and fictitious, existing and nonexisting world does not exist. The flow of the protagonist’s thoughts is like the characters of Marquez travels in the
labyrinth from one decade to another, the thoughts in his consciousness come as a flow, and the histories are replaced by one another, which are ignored by the reader. A strange feeling fell into him, as if, Tarkhuji is an unbalanced individual in time and space.
In the paragraph findings of Martin Dujardin and William James are used as a theoretical base to analyse the originality of the “flow of consciousness”. In the paper two kinds of associative natures of consciousness flow are separated: Random and fictional analysis dependant. An internal form of monologue existing in the story is assigned to the last one, which created the works.
In the mentioned novel in order to analyze the function of dreams the works of psychologist Sigmund Freud and fundamentalists of psychology Carl Gustav Jung are used in the paper. Also, the dissertation of specialist of Literature Ana Dolidze Psychosemiotic of Dream in Georgian fiction discourse. Herewith, the textbook of Nana Gafrindashvili and Mariam Miresashvili is used as a theoretical base: “Fundamentals of Literature”. Considering the above-mentioned textbook dream is illustrated as a nonthematic element in the paper that is used as an ideological content of the work and psychological description of a character. Based on the dissertation of Ana Dolidze in which a prophetic dream is illustrated as a characteristic of a modernistic story, the article’s function of dream is discussed as another proof confirming that the modernistic ecbasis and tendencies of novel “Guest” is striking. In the paper prophetic dream is discussed based on the example of Tarkhuji’s dream being on the verge of committing suicide.


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როგორ უნდა ციტირება

გოგილაშვილი ა. (2023). გურამ გეგეშიძის რომანი „სტუმარი“: მხატვრული თავისებურებანი და არასიუჟეტური ელემენტების კონცეპტი. ჟურნალი &quot;ორბელიანი&Quot;, 1(6). https://doi.org/10.52340/jo.2023.01.06.06


