მუსიკალური ნაწარმოების ლიცენზირება აუდიოვიზუალურ ნაწარმოებში ჩართვის მიზნით
https://doi.org/10.52340/jo.2023.01.06.01საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Music Licensing, Synchronization, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Musical Work, Audiovisual Workანოტაცია
Continuous expansion of the music industry has greatly increased the commercial aspect of music, which naturally leads to legislative changes. This article examines the positive results of the author’s creative endeavors, specifically musical and audiovisual works. The primary objective is to identify legal challenges related to the inclusion of a musical work in an audiovisual work, as well as practical and topical issues.
The paper focuses on the aspects of licensing of musical works, namely identifying persons (natural/legal) who can hold the right to a particular musical work and how licensing is done for inclusion in an audiovisual work as well as what is the important
factor that is necessary to determine the royalty for music synchronization.
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