მარცხისთვის განწირული: ლიბერალური საერთაშორისო წესრიგის აღმასვლა და დაცემა

თარგმნილია შემდეგი გამოცემიდან: John J. Mearsheimer, Bound to Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Liberal International Order, International Security, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2019, 7-50


  • ჯონ ჯ. მეარშეიმერი
  • ირაკლი ჯავახიშვილი სულხან-საბა ორბელიანის უნივერსიტეტი

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Competition, International liberal Order, Security


In his article, John Mearsheimer states that the liberal international order that emerged after the end of the Cold War is on the edge of destruction by 2019. According to the author, it was doomed to failure from the beginning. The spread of liberal democracy around the world, which is a necessary precondition for such an order, has met strong resistance due to nationalism, which is oriented on self-determination. For security reasons, some target states opposed US attempts to support liberal democracy.
Problems have also been caused by the fact that a liberal order requires states to delegate the substantial power of decision-making to international and supranational institutions. Contemporary nation-states prefer sovereignty and national identity, which is a big puzzle when institutions are strengthened and borders are vulnerable. In addition, hyperglobalization, inseparable from the liberal order, creates economic problems among the lower and middle classes in liberal democracies. Finally, the liberal order accelerated China's rise, which in turn transformed the unipolar system in multipolar one. Liberal international order, according to the author, is possible only in unipolarity. The new multipolar world can be identified by three possible realistic orders: a thin international order that fosters cooperation, and two limited orders: one dominated by China and the other by the United States, which will be balanced by security competition between the two countries




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

მეარშეიმერი ჯ. ჯ. ., & ჯავახიშვილი ი. . (2022). მარცხისთვის განწირული: ლიბერალური საერთაშორისო წესრიგის აღმასვლა და დაცემა: თარგმნილია შემდეგი გამოცემიდან: John J. Mearsheimer, Bound to Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Liberal International Order, International Security, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2019, 7-50. ჟურნალი "ორბელიანი&Quot;, 4(1). Retrieved from https://journals.sabauni.edu.ge/index.php/jo/article/view/121


