მომხმარებლის ცნება ევროკავშირის მართლმსაჯულების სასამართლოს პრაქტიკაში
https://doi.org/10.52340/jo.2021.02საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Person with Disabilities, Reasonable Accommodation, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Human Rights, Discrimination, Equalityანოტაცია
From the 80s of the last century, a natural person participating in a contractual relationship, who acquires goods or services for personal use - is called a consumer. Numerous legislative innovations have been developed to support the rights of consumers in contract law, which has contributed to the establishment of an independent field of consumer rights law. The peculiarity of this field of law lies in the purposeful regulation. Norms governing the rights of consumers apply only if one party to the contract is a trader and the other is a consumer. However, despite numerous attempts, there is no unified concept of the consumer that would be relevant to all relationships. Despite the fact that it mainly refers to a natural person, often the recognition of a person as
a consumer depends on the content of the contractual relationship.
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