Personal Data, Supervisory Body, Personal Data Protection Office, Special Investigation Service, Reform of Inspector’s OfficeAbstract
Personal data protection is part of the human rights in democratic societies and relevant institutions and regulations exist for its realization. Government of Georgia undertook significant steps toward protection of personal data in recent years.
Parliament of Georgia adopted Law on Personal Data Protection in 28 December 2011, representing an important instrument for protection of citizens’ personal data. In 2013-2017 important impact on development of personal data protection legislation was made by Association Agreement between the EU and Georgia. The first phase of Visa Liberation Action Plan envisaged consolidation of institutional and legal frameworks in line with European and international standards, ratification of international instruments and inclusion in national legislation, as well as establishment of independent supervisory body. Effective functioning of the supervisory body was identified to be implemented at the second phase Paper reviews and evaluates the ongoing reform of state inspector’s office and personal data protection in Georgia in the comparative light of personal data protection supervisory bodies of some European countries
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