Post-Soviet Georgian Dramaturgy, Sandro Kakulia, Psychological manipulation, Victim and Perpetrator, ViolenceAbstract
Contemporary Georgian dramaturgy encompasses diverse themes, with violence emerging as a particularly significant focus. Violence has become so deeply embedded in social fabric that it often goes unrecognized as such. This article examines the socio-cultural significance of the interconnections between violence, morality, and personal identity, aiming to reflect contemporary reality and illuminate pressing moral and ethical concerns. Through analysis of Sandro Kakulia’s play “It Rains or Drizzles on the Bridge,” the study explores various manifestations of violence in modern society. The play’s characters serve as archetypal representations
of both perpetrators and victims, revealing the pervasive nature of psychological and physical violence. Critical examination of character relationships exposes how societal norms often obscure the recognition of violence, particularly in domestic and
intimate settings. By analyzing the psychological portraits of the characters and their interactions, the research demonstrates the profound impact of personal trauma on human lives. The study contributes to broader scholarly discourse on gender, power,
and human rights in both Georgian and global contexts.
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