Rafiel Eristavi, Ethnographer, Poet, LyricistAbstract
Rafiel Eristavi stands as a pivotal figure who left an indelible mark on Georgian culture, literature, and public life. His first appearance in Georgian press came in 1846 with an essay about Pshav-Khevsureti, after which he devoted himself to public service for the remainder of his life. Beyond publishing poetic works, he contributed scientific publications and served as an ethnographic chronicler of Georgian life, a lexicographer, and an active member of the Georgian literacy movement. His legacy includes establishing Georgia’s professional theater, museum, and library. Throughout his career, he collaborated with prominent figures like Ilia Chavchavadze, Akaki Tsereteli, and Jacob Gogebashvili to advance national causes and promote Georgian culture. Eristavi’s poetry embodies the national spirit that characterized Georgian literature in the 1860s, primarily focusing on the struggle for Georgian independence and language preservation. His lyrics employ simple folk vocabulary, and while many of his poems draw from folk stories, tales, and narratives, they maintain their originality through his poetic craftsmanship. Several of his works, such as “Bread Harvest” and “Motherland Khevsuri,” achieved widespread popularity across Georgia in various regional versions.
This paper examines the principal aspects of Eristavi’s lyrical works, encompassing his poems, short stories, historical poems, plays, and translations. Through his writing, the poet elevates the concepts of national independence and freedom, inspiring in his readers an unconditional love for their country and native land.
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