საქართველოს და რომის ეკლესიის ურთიერთობები დიდი სქიზმის შემდეგ


  • ბექა ჭიჭინაძე სულხან-საბა ორბელიანის უნივერსიტეტი



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Georgians, Western Europeans, Monasteries, Religious, Schism, Relation


In the article mainly discuss lesser-known sources, therefore, the reader will see a more varied, interesting and unexpected information. First of all, I will discuss the Latin religious beliefs of the great teacher of the Georgian Church – George Mtatsmindeli because some researchers try to hide this. We will not talk much here about the well-known fact that George himself proclaimed the Church of Rome to be the most faithful defender of the apostolic doctrines before the Byzantine emperor.While the Greeks and Latins were arguing about the descent of the Holy Spirit, George translated into Georgian – “The Symbol of Athanasius”, where the Holy Spirit was considered to come from the Son, i.e. the Latin pneumatological formula was described – “The Holy Spirit from the Father and from the Son”. If this doctrine of the Catholic Church was a heresy for George, obviously he would have. After all we can conclude the following: During the unity and strength of the Georgian state, when the Georgian Fathers translated many theological literatures, had numerous theological centers (the Maghalashvili Gospel inscription speaks of seven such schools in one diocese), the Georgian Church had its own position on the Church of Rome, but after the political and cultural fall, Influenced first by Greek and especially Russian anti-Catholic propaganda, Georgia rejected the historic choice of its best clergy of the Church – unity with the Catholic Church. At the beginning of its relations with Georgia, Russia started struggle with the Catholic missionaries in Georgia, the Russian ambassador – Zakharev, started anti-Catholic propaganda, and after the conquest of Georgia, Russia expelled the Catholic missionaries from Georgia, because Russia’s goal was and is the ecclesiastical isolation of Georgia




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ჭიჭინაძე ბ. . (2023). საქართველოს და რომის ეკლესიის ურთიერთობები დიდი სქიზმის შემდეგ. ჟურნალი "დიალოგი&Quot;, 15(6). https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2022.15.06.02


