რანერის ტრინიტარული კონცეფცია
https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2021.02საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Immanent Trinity, Economic Trinity, Triadology, Christology, Soteriologyანოტაცია
One of the influential catholic theologians of the XX century Karl Rahner wrote extensively about Trinity. We decided to analyze
Rahners triadological considerations in the contexts of Augustinian Triadology. Two important circumstances prompted us to make this decision: First, Rahner himself developed his own triadological doctrine in the context of opposition to Augustine of Hippo; Second, Augustine's theology is much better known in Georgia than of Rahner’s one. This will allow Georgian readers to better Understand Runner's innovative ideas.
Essential, but not the only, circumstances that distinguishes Rahner’s Triadology from Augustian’s one is that former identifies
immanent Trinity with economic Trinity. The article discusses some difficulties, into which this identification leads Rahner’s Triadology. The difficulties could be absent had Rahner remained faithful to Augustine’s view. The main difficulty that Rahners Triadology cannot avoid is that Incarnation is not directly related to the Christ’s soteriological function
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