Two Popes’ Visits in Georgia in 30 Years


  • Gabriele Bragantini Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University



During the 30-year span (1993-2023) of the Apostolic Administration of the Caucasus for the Latins, one of the most significant events, if not the most paramount, was the visit of two popes: Saint John Paul II in 1999, and Pope Francis in 2016. Both marked unique occurrences: The presence of two popes in Georgia within a 30-year timeframe impacted the faithful of the Catholic Church, the citizens of Georgia, and interfaith relations. Two notable aspects stand out from Pope John Paul II’s visit. Firstly, it
represented the first image of the Catholic Church in its three rites since the fall of communism in 1989; secondly, it included the announcement of the appointment of the Apostolic Administrator as bishop. During Pope Francis’ visit, it was emphasized that the purpose, albeit indirectly, was to address certain issues within the Catholic Church in Georgia, such as proselytism, rebaptism, and property restitution.

