call for paper

8th International Symposium "Catholic Heritage in Georgia"
Venue: Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University
On June 17-18, 2025, the Eighth International Symposium "Catholic Heritage in Georgia" will be held at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, with the aim of analyzing the importance of the Roman Catholic Church in the formation of Catholic heritage, Georgian culture, and consciousness; the symposium is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the death of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani.

The presentations will be published as a collection.

Working languages: Georgian, English, Italian.

To register, please fill out the attached application form online or download the application form ბმულზე.

Important deadlines:
April 10, 2025 - Deadline for submitting applications for participation in the symposium.
May 25, 2025 - Deadline for submitting articles Deadline for submission.

Articles can be submitted electronically to the address –;

Required requirements:
Report regulations - 12 -15 min.
Report volume - 6 -7 pages
Page format - A4
Page margin - 2 cm
Font: Georgian - sylfean
Size - 12
English/Italian - Times New Roman,
Size - 12
Spacing - 1 (Single)
Paragraph - 1 cm
Title (Bold) size 14

Text structure:

Author's last name, first name, and affiliation, on the first line (Bold);
Title (Bold) size 14 with one space omitted
Short summary in English
Citation and bibliography - Chicago style;
Note: Indicate sources in non-Latin script in the bibliography in transliterated form according to the Romanization rule. You can find the transliteration rules at the link.

The symposium is organized by Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University and the Commission for Cultural and Inter-Church Relations with the Roman Catholic Church in Georgia.

Scientific Committee:

Nugzar Bardavelidze (Georgian Technical University)
Mother Gabriele Bragantini (Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University)
Vazha Vardidze (Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University)
Merab Ghaganidze (University of Georgia)
Organizing Committee:

Manana Andriadze
Shorena Parunashvili
Mi Akaki Chelidze