Modern Trends in Catholic Church Architecture in Georgia


  • Nugzar Bardavelidze Georgian Technical University



2023 marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Apostolic Administration of the Latin Order of the Catholic Church in Georgia and the South Caucasus. During the three decades of its existence, the Catholic Apostolic Administration was able to restore and fully restore old damaged church buildings, give them a modern look and add new spaces for public meetings. This made the temple complexes multifunctional. In addition to the restoration of existing old churches, the apostolic administration built new church buildings of a modern architectural appearance and form in those cities and villages where there were no Catholic churches before or where these churches were transferred to other denominations. Apostolic administrator Bishop Giuseppe Pazzotto
and his vicar Father Gabriele Bragantini were directly involved in the development of the projects of new churches. In total, the Apostolic Administration of the Latin Order built ten new Catholic churches in different regions of Georgia. These temples are distinguished by their completely original architecture and appearance. In addition, the interiors of the newly built temples were painted with high artistic level wall paintings. In the same period, more than ten new Catholic chapels were built, while the existing church buildings were thoroughly restored. So the apostolic administration throughout the country was fully
able to provide all active Catholic parishes with churches and chapels.

