გლუვლულიან ცეცხლსასროლ იარაღში გასროლილი ობიექტების ბალისტიკური კვლევის შედეგების მტკიცებულებითი ღირებულება


  • გიორგი ძინძიბაძე გრიგოლ რობაქიძის უნივერსიტეტი



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Smooth-bore, Cartridge case, Shot,, Pellet, Plastic Container, Identification


Numerous papers have been devoted to the study of objects fired from firearms, but many of them remained only theoretical research and could not find practical application. This is especially true of papers that deal with the identification of objects fired from the barrel of a smooth-bore weapon. These are the issues discussed in the article, in what cases and at what facilities can specific identification surveys be conducted, the results of which, due to their reliability, the court can use as evidence in a criminal case. 
The article discusses the scientific implications of identifying the cartridge cases, shots, pellets and plastic containers, the marks
necessary for their identification are described in detail, analyzed and substantiated that not all objects fired from a firearm can be identified. Because the examination of the evidence in a case often goes beyond the knowledge that jurors, judges and trial participants may possess, the courts rely even more on experts from all fields of science. In modern times, this responsibility has increased significantly, the court does not need only an opinion, it needs a reasoned and credible conclusion that will be more useful for making a fair decision.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ძინძიბაძე გ. (2022). გლუვლულიან ცეცხლსასროლ იარაღში გასროლილი ობიექტების ბალისტიკური კვლევის შედეგების მტკიცებულებითი ღირებულება. ჟურნალი "სამართლის მეთოდები&Quot;, 5. https://doi.org/10.52340/lm.2021.06


