სერგი ბულგაკოვი – პიროვნება და თეოლოგი
https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2024.17.08.04საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Sergey Bulgakov, Theology, Orthodoxანოტაცია
There was no celebration in Georgia regarding Sergey Bulgakov’s birth in 1971. This article aims to encourage his contribution to
future generations and properly assess his merit.” Despite the problematic personal, scientific, or research path of Sergei Bulgakov, it is undoubtedly that his influence on modern Orthodox theology is immeasurable, and no other theologian of the twentieth century has left a similar mark. Bulgakov’s extraordinary character and desire to share knowledge meant that even thinkers who were radical towards his ideas respected him until the end of his life and tried not to break ties with him. Finally, like Origen, when the time came for the reception of his teachings, even groups that were radically opposed to each other managed to unite against his teachings and unequivocally condemn them; however, this did not change the influence of Sergei Bulgakov on twentieth-century Orthodox theologians and the theology they created.
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