საბჭოთა ტრავმის ექო: ეკლესია საბჭოთა კავშირიდან პოსტსაბჭოურ ეპოქაში გადასვლის პროცესში
https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2024.17.08.01საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Church, totalitarianism, Trauma, Modernity, Contemporaneity, Society, Freedom of beliefანოტაცია
The trauma left by the totalitarian system of atheism is still alive and continues to try to generate itself. The reasons for this are quite
complex and include not only the inhibition of structural changes in society and the church but also the lack of self-reflection and new experiences and the unwillingness to change the usual colonial lifestyle. While the church moved from the periphery of the political-social life to the center of events, it claimed not only to serve society and request holiness but also wanted to bring the whole society under its influence and thus possess the status of a protective institution that provides spirituality and ideological base for everyone. Thus, without self-renewal and re-understanding of its own mission, it turned into a space where Homo-Sovieticus saw the possibility of self-preservation and self-establishment. This had its political cost. The positive side brought by the new era and manifested in the activity of the church is the strengthening of the desire for freedom, bringing to light the ugliness accumulated in deep social, psychological and cultural layers and increasing the level of public awareness. Whether such a result was intentional on the part of the Church can be a matter of debate and can be judged according to one’s theological as well as value position. Especially the thinking horizon of the young generation has changed and the mechanisms of manipulation and violence have come to light, which unfortunately is not the merit of the church. If in the past the denial of the truth was done through open violence and terror, in the background of increased awareness, the fight against it is carried out through discrediting.
And this again clearly shows the necessity of God’s mercy and the area of freedom in order to overcome the trauma of the past with a new experience, according to which God himself is the one who, by sharing his goodness, will open himself to be known and present a new opened horizon of life.
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