მეცნიერებისა და რელიგიის მიმართების ზოგად-ფილოსოფიური მიმოხილვა
https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2023.17.16.05საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Religion, Science, Conflict, Independence, Dialogue, Integration, Creationism.ანოტაცია
The primary focus of this paper revolves around the intricate relationship between science and religion. The author acknowledges
the complexity and controversy inherent in this topic, attributed to its multi-layered nature. To address this complexity, the author initiates the discussion at two fundamental levels: the nature of science and the basic attributes of religion. Proceeding from these foundational levels, the author utilizes Ian Barbour’s four models (Conflict, Independence, Dialogue, and Integration), along with insights from scholars like Alister McGrath, to explore the four possible relationships between science and religion. The intention is not to resolve or champion a specific model as correct. Instead, the author’s primary goal is to present information and offer a comprehensive overview of this nuanced issue
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