ლათინური წესის სამოციქულო ადმინისტრაცია საქართველოში – 30 გადასახედი ოცდაათწლიანი ისტორიის პრიზმიდან
https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2023.17.16.04საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Holy See, Latin Rite, Apostolic Administration, Catholicism in Georgiaანოტაცია
In 2023, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Apostolic Administration of the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church in Georgia and the South Caucasus. Throughout its three decades of existence, the Catholic Apostolic Administration has undertaken significant initiatives, including the restoration and modernization of old, damaged church buildings. This effort not only revived these structures but also transformed them into multifunctional spaces suitable for public meetings. In addition to restoring existing churches, the Apostolic Administration, under the leadership of Apostolic Administrator Bishop Giuseppe Pazzotto and his vicar Father Gabriele Bragantini, played a pivotal role in the construction of new church buildings with modern architectural designs. These new churches were strategically established in cities and villages where Catholic presence was lacking or where churches had been transferred to other denominations. In total, the Apostolic Administration of the Latin Order has erected ten new Catholic churches across different regions of Georgia, each distinguished by its original architecture. The interiors of these newly built temples boast high-level artistic wall paintings. Additionally, more than ten new Catholic chapels were constructed, complemented by extensive restoration work on existing church buildings. As a result, the apostolic administration has successfully ensured that all active Catholic parishes throughout the country have access to churches and chapels
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