საღვთო ევქარისტიის ქრისტოლოგიური და პნევმატოლოგიური ასპექტები
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Holy Eucharist, Church, Christology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiologyანოტაცია
When discussing the Holy Eucharist and the Church in general, both their Christological and pneumatological aspects are consistently emphasized. One does not exist without the other. However, the existence of these aspects should not lead theologians to emphasize different directions. In the context of ecclesiology, it is essential to acknowledge one truth: Christology, ecclesiology, and pneumatology represent a unified reality of human deification. What is indisputable is that all three aspects are linked to the manifestation of God’s Word. Therefore, the connections between them are so close that considering them independently creates significant soteriological problems. The teaching of the cooperation of these aspects is rooted in the theology of the Apostle Paul and is consistently reiterated and developed throughout the patristic tradition.
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