ეკლესიის ინსტიტუციური და ქარიზმატული ასპექტები
This article discusses the institutional and charismatic aspects of the Church. The existence of the institutional and charismatic aspects of the Church, based on the principle of the unity of Christology and Pneumatology. This is some kind of theological unity, which is necessary for their coexistence. An institution is always born in time and space and therefore is a subject of these dimensions. On the contrary, charism does not depend on time or space. There is a tight interconnection between these two aspects; In the Eastern Church there was never any kind of sharp disagreement between them. Therefore, both institution and charism coexist in the Church and there is a balance between them. The representatives of the institution are clerics who have institutionalized charism, but at the same time, there are charismatic people with their own, non-institutionalized charism. Both aspects have ecclesiological significance, which directly affects the life of believers. The purpose of both institutional and charismatic manifestations (mysteries, Church services, dogmas or definitions) is one – the protection the unity of the Church.
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