სციენტიზმის კრიტიკა ალისტერ მაკგრეთის მიერ
https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2022.05.05საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Science, Argument, Objection, Philosophy of science, Life, Explain, Theoryანოტაცია
The main goal of this paper whas to discussed how and why, Christian theologian, philosopher and scientist Alister Mcgrath
criticized Scientism, which says that only Science can attain any kind of truth. As we saw in the paper, Alister Mcgrath (who knows Perfectly philosophy, science, Theology and philosophy of science), criticized Scientism and try to show that Scientism is a wrong worldview, because many areas of life, or reality (existence of God, the meaning of life and so on.), is beyond the scientific method (observation and experiment). To show this truth (as alister think that this is truth, because, I dont defend or criticize his position), alister use philosophy, theology and philosophy of science. Accordingly, main goal of this paper, was to analyze alisters basic arguments against Scientism.
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