რამდენიმე უცნობი წყარო იბერიის (ქართლის) ეკლესიის შესახებ
https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2021.12.03საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Georgian Church,, Iberia, Church Historyანოტაცია
The article discusses several unknown sources of the history of the Georgian Church. These sources belong to different periods. There are few foreign sources about the history of the medieval Georgian church, thus, these materials are important for a new understanding of many problems in the history of our Church. This Sources testify that the Iberian Church has always been actively involved in current events in the world church. The article also discusses the information of the Ethiopian sources about the Christianization of Georgia, this source is already known in Georgian historiography, but we discuss it according to archeological materials, this indicates that the information from this source about the construction of the first Christian church in Georgia is correct.
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