ნეტარი ავგუსტინე როგორც მაგალითი ცხოვრებისეული კრიზისების გადალახვისთვის


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საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Saint Augustine, Milan, Ambrose, Love, Life Crises


St. Augustine is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers and his writings influenced the development of Western
philosophy and Christianity. It is the aim of this article to focus on ways to resolve various types of crises through Augustine's personal life. Article pays a serious attention to the fact, that two women figures prominently in Augustine’s life: his mother, Monnica (who was a devout Christian and seems to have exerted a deep influence on his life and views) and his partner for fourteen years, the mother of Adeodatus. According to this paper, love is a crucial notion in Augustine’s ethics, It is closely related to virtue and this has a particular impact on his life. The city of Milan has a special place in the life of Augustine. In Milan he underwent the influence of Bishop Ambrose, who taught him the allegorical method of Scriptural exegesis which played an important role in his future life. Modern man, like Augustine, is suffering from various problems and often he tries to find a solution in the Church, but unfortunately not everyone is so lucky to meet a bishop like Ambrose, which causes that lots of people are turning their backs on the church.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ცერცვაძე მ. (2022). ნეტარი ავგუსტინე როგორც მაგალითი ცხოვრებისეული კრიზისების გადალახვისთვის. ჟურნალი "დიალოგი&Quot;, 13(4). https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2021.12.02


