შერეული ქორწინება, კრეტის კრება და საქართველოს მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესია


  • გურამ ლურსმანაშვილი სულხან-საბა ორბელიანის უნივერსიტეტი



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Inter-confessional marriage, Mixed marriage, Holy and Great Council of Crete (2016), Canon 72 of the Council of Trullo, Orthodox Church of Georgia


The question of interconfessional (mixed) marriage was  approached during the preparation of the Holy and Great Council of
Crete (2016). Author of this article tries to examine the issue of mixed marriage from the point of view of the Orthodox Tradition and
position declared from the Orthodox Church of Georgia during preparation of Holy and Great Council of Crete. The Orthodox
Church of Georgia (which absented itself from the council), expressed a very strict position that all mixed marriages were invalid.
This article, on the one hand, in compliance with Church History and on the other hand, in accordance of Canon 72 of the Council of
Trullo, emphasized that: 1-unlike the position of Orthodox Church of Georgia, mixed marriage is not dogmatic issue; 2- in the canon of 72 of Trullo, canonical prohibition of mixed marriage is a pastoral and not doctrinal one; 3- Mixed marriages was common practice during History for different local Orthodox Churches.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ლურსმანაშვილი გ. . (2022). შერეული ქორწინება, კრეტის კრება და საქართველოს მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესია. ჟურნალი "დიალოგი&Quot;, 12(3). https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2021.06


