გრიგოლ ნოსელის კოსმოლოგიური კონცეპტი


  • გოჩა ბარნოვი სულხან-საბა ორბელიანის უნივერსიტეტი



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Gregory of Nyssa, Ontology, Cosmology, The dynamics of the Universe, The perfection of creatures


The article discusses the concept of the creation of the universe according to St. Gregory of Nyssa (Cappadocian). This theme was in
sharp contrast to ancient Greek philosophy, which was characterized by ontological diarchy. The problem that Gregory of Nyssa discusses is related to the creation of matter, how the matter acquire substantia and hypostasis from nothingness.
According to Gregory, God creates all the properties that characterize matter, and their connection determines the existence
of different elements. Also noteworthy is the dynamic of the universe, which means that the universe was not originally perfect. It is about the causal creation or properties of creatures, which are followed by the dynamic development of creatures in time.
A special place is given to the creation of man - the crown of the universe. Initially humanity is formed and only later does a sexual
difference occur. For the Patristic tradition, the process of dynamic development of creatures is not unknown and it is directly related to the completion of the universe, which is not a moral issue but an ontological and cosmological one




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ბარნოვი გ. (2022). გრიგოლ ნოსელის კოსმოლოგიური კონცეპტი. ჟურნალი "დიალოგი&Quot;, 12(3). https://doi.org/10.52340/jd.2021.04


