For Reviewers

Two external reviewers shall be selected for each article. The reviewers shall hold a doctoral degree, or similar academic degree and have published works in the field related to the scientific subject of the article.

The reviewer has to be objective, personal criticism of the author is inadmissible.

Selected reviewer, who considers that he/she will not be able to review an article, or will not be able to do it in the defined deadlines, shall inform the Editor-in-Chief / Editor has about it and shall be withdrawn from the review.

Author of the article shall not be aware of the identity of the reviewer, neither the reviewer – of the identity of the author.

The duration of the review shall last 1-4 weeks.

Review is made by means of a special review form.

The review might be positive or negative.

Review is positive when the reviewer:

  • evaluates the work positively and does not have comments to the work
  • evaluates the work positively and has minor technical notices towards the work or
  • evaluates the work positively and has minor notices to the work, which can be revised in not more than 2 weeks.

Review is negative when the reviewer:

  • evaluates the work negatively and does not recommend its publication or
  • evaluates the work negatively and gives recommendations, which can be revised within the framework of the existing work only with the essential modification of the work.

The reviewer may give the author some technical or other recommendations and / or remarks in writing.

The article will be considered as successful if both of the reviews are positive.

If one review is positive and another one is negative, the notices are sent to the author. If the author disagrees with these notices, the article is sent to the third reviewer. The article is successfully reviewed if the evaluation of the third reviewer is positive.

If the reviews are negative, the article will not be published and will be returned to the author.