ისლამური სისხლის სამართლის ზოგიერთი საკითხი


  • ნუგზარ ბარდაველიძე საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტი



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Islamic Criminal Law, Hadd,, Ta’zir, Kiisa,, Namus


Islamic criminal law is one of the important fields of fiqh in Islamic jurisprudence. Islamic criminal law began to take shape in the very first years of the Muslim community, during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, and as Islam, unlike other religions, quickly became the state religion of the Arab caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, Iran. The uniqueness of Islam as a religion and ideology is that it encompasses any sphere of human life, reaching into every human action. What is not in the revelation of God or in the Qur'an is filled with the explanations (hadiths) of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (for the Shiites also by the sayings of the righteous Caliph Ali). And what is not described in the holy books can be supplemented by the joint decisions of the authoritative theological scholars and the analogies made in various Islamic schools. Thus, a Muslim judge has a wide range of choices to make.Due to the confessional nature of the population, Islamic law is now fully or partially enforced in many countries of the world or in some regions of some countries. In these states or regions, Islamic criminal law may be enacted in various doses, which is why the study of Islamic criminal law remains a priority for jurists, as well as the study of the history of law.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ბარდაველიძე ნ. (2022). ისლამური სისხლის სამართლის ზოგიერთი საკითხი. ჟურნალი "სამართლის მეთოდები&Quot;, 5. https://doi.org/10.52340/lm.2021.04


