The Relationship Between Social Acceptance, Tolerance and Xenophobia in the Tourism Industry


  • Megi Surmanidze Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University


საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Social Acceptance, Tolerance, Xenophobia, Tourism Industry


Social acceptance, tolerance and xenophobia are three distinct but interconnected processes within the tourism industry. Social acceptance refers to the attitudes and dynamics in social relations, which are determined by various factors, among them tolerance and xenophobia. This article explores studies and scientific sources on these concepts, analyzing the connections between them, and their origins. It examines how healthy relationships between tourists and locals, as well as local attitudes, impact tourist satisfaction and the development of the tourism industry. The article discusses research on xenophobic social issues in South Africa, identifying the social consequences and the individuals most affected by irrational societal views.
The article also analyzes the factors that contribute to xenophobia, which hinder business relations in tourism and impede the establishment of welcoming environments. Research on social acceptance conducted in the Adjara region is also presented, with the primary methodology being the analysis of sources and surveys carried out through questionnaires


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როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Surmanidze, M. . (2025). The Relationship Between Social Acceptance, Tolerance and Xenophobia in the Tourism Industry. განვითარების კვლევების ინტერდისციპლინარული ჟურნალი, 5(1(5), 47–53.