challenges in Hybrid Learning Model Globally vs Locally in 2020


  • Tamar Kanashvili


საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Learning and Development, Training, Hybrid Learning Model, Globalization, Technological Change.


In the stage of globalization in 2020, we could be under a rapid technological revolution that might be caused by the pandemic situation.  New and improved technologies are continuously emerging and invade both the private and public areas of everyday life. This accelerated innovation-transformation experience has fascilitated a rapid change in organizations, business, and the training industries. This new and complex future is very difficult to predict, and it has been perceived as an immediate technological change, requiring training, retraining, and even re-learning.

Globalization requires the development of human capital from developing countries. The development of human resources in a country helps to attract foreign investment. Developing countries need rapid training and development of skills that are globally in demand through the business industry. The human development factor can be critically important for a country like Georgia. In the current context, achieving this goal globally is considered through a hybrid learning model. At the same time, remarkably little is known about what countries can do to increase national skills quickly.

The economic literature stresses the importance of investments in the hybrid learning model in education (at all levels), but skills development also takes place outside the formal educational system, particularly in vocational and professional training institutions and within corporations. Experts suggest that improving national skills requires a concerted national effort by involving multiple institutions, policies, and private-public sector collaborations.


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როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Kanashvili , T. . (2020). challenges in Hybrid Learning Model Globally vs Locally in 2020. განვითარების კვლევების ინტერდისციპლინარული ჟურნალი, 1(1).


