Learning Outcomes Assessment Formats in Georgia after USSR


  • Shorena Gogiashvili



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Assessment HEI stakeholders Learning outcomes Education


The system of higher education in Georgia has been recently facing major challenges, especially in matching its outcomes to market and society demands. As the job market is becoming more globally competitive, these challenges are increasing.

To survive in the current business world, there is high competition between companies for highly qualified manpower. Higher education systems are, on the other hand, traditionally considered conservative and slow in response to market needs.

HEIs have many stakeholders: parents, students, faculty members, graduates, employees, regulatory organizations, and government. Their expectations are different and often are in conflict with one another in many respects. Multi-stakeholder involvement in the assessment of learning outcomes is essential to realize students’ achievements. In these processes participation, collaboration and learning are emphasized. Participation leads to the perfect rating of the process and better evaluations of the outcomes.

The assessment of students/graduates by stakeholders is shaped by their participation in activities and their experiences in the processes. Understanding stakeholder importance in the processes in which they are involved and their evaluation of outcomes is imperative; it influences the current and future levels of engagement and improvement.


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როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Gogiashvili, S. (2020). Learning Outcomes Assessment Formats in Georgia after USSR. განვითარების კვლევების ინტერდისციპლინარული ჟურნალი, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.52340/jds.2022.02.29


