Implementation of Proactive Environmental Protection Management Opportunities
DOI:საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Environment Protection Management, ISO standards, Management Systems, Georgiaანოტაცია
Among the contemporary challenges facing sustainable development, the efficient consumption of resources, which have a huge ecological impact, is very much in the spotlight. Management of resource consumption is a task that many say should be put to resource recycling companies. The answer to the global demand for the development of a type of production that will not threaten future generations is made possible through the production process itself and the management priorities set. The global scale of harsh ecological problems indicates the need for proactive management implementation. In this light, internationally recognised and widely introduced environmental protection standards are well worth considering. This paper deals with the introduction of Environment Protection Management capacities based on the International Organisation for Standardisation ISO 14001:2015, globally, as well as in Georgia.
როგორ უნდა ციტირება
საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2022 განვითარების კვლევების ინტერდისციპლინარული ჟურნალი
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