The Impact of Online Learning on Visual Learners in the HEIs for Sustainable Development and Well-Being
Visual Learners, Online Learning, COVID-19 PandemicAbstract
This article examines the impact of online learning on visual learners- individuals who prefer to learn using visual aids such as diagrams, images, videos, and interactive simulations. With the rise of online education, it is crucial to understand how this mode of learning affects different types of learners, including visual learners. The article provides a literature review of existing research on visual learning in online environments and identifies the advantages and challenges associated with this approach. Additionally, the article highlights effective strategies for optimizing the online learning experience for visual learners, such as the use of multimedia resources and providing opportunities for social interaction. Ultimately, this article aims to provide insights into how online learning can be tailored to meet the needs of visual learners and promote their academic success.
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